Scott and Steph talk about the looming and evil hurricane threatening our trail campers from Florida as well as a weekend in the high country with little people, lunge miles, and more. Enjoy!
Wake up every morning being intentional with everything you do! Have a plan and execute!
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Be You, Be Brave, Be Fierce, Be Ultra
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Ellie and Chelsea seem to be getting much more out of Chelsea's training now that her schedule has calmed down a bit. A cool story how Chelsea's journey has inspired someone. A recap on Ellie's hurt ribs situation. A lesson on sheep dog's Scott got to share after an interesting education in the mountains recently! Enjoy the show.
Liza and Heather are plugging along getting ready for the Cloudsplitter race with lots of vertical gain but in the meantime we have a chance to talk about altitude for Leadville. How does heat help with altitude? Liza shares a Costa Rican running story involving a machete and speedy horse. Heather shares an article about performance fecal matter? Yep, you heard it right.. Enjoy the show.
Don't forget to stop and enjoy the play!!
"Play isn't something separate from the daily grind of life. It is not something to finally get to when work ends. Rather, play like music, is a force that we feel in our bones and that whispers in our hearts. As kids demonstrate play is not over there, but forever here and now."
-Vince Gowmon
"It's okay to be absurd, ridiculous and downright irrational at times, silliness is the sweet syrup that helps us swallow the bitter pills of life." - Richelle E. Goodrich
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Scott and Steph give some love to some big events going on in the high country and talk about the week that was!
Quick tips for eating the things that are good for your mind and body!
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Check out these foodies on Instagram
Howard Thurman- "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Use this week to assess your life and ask yourself what you need to feel more alive!! Build a good foundation of good health to help you focus on your passion.
Ileana has made it to her big goal of running the TransRockies race and today we have our last coaching call before the run! Enjoy the show!
Heather shares her experience running with her dad in Tahoe. What she learned and where her training is going next with her coach, Liza.
Ellie has a fall. Chelsea goes far. A live coaching call two months from Chelsea's first 50k in Virginia!
Today I discuss ways to intentionally slow down and create a calming morning routine. Our world is so fast paced that we need to focus on ways to enjoy our mornings without rushing around and creating a hectic atmosphere.
School is starting!! For all of you that are going to school, teaching at school and who have children at school I hope you have a wonderful and fulfilled year!!!
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James is back and ready to train for a crazy winter ultra up north! We start to learn about his goals and where he is now compared to last time he undertook a big running goal. Enjoy the show!
Kathryn has been training hard all summer in some brutal heat to get ready for her Boston Qualifier in September and a shot at the Cloudsplitter 100k in the fall. On this call we talk about her first 50k coming up as a training run and all she should consider! Enjoy!
Please submit any ideas or subjects you would like to hear about on upcoming podcasts to
Take a good hard look at the things sucking your energy and make sure to manage them appropriately!!
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Another repeat episode...I'm currently working on new content and ideas and will be playing repeat episodes for the next couple weeks.
Balance something we are always trying to achieve!! Just keep focused on prioritizing what is important to you and balance will be a constant work in progress.
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