Louise Bruce used to have a passion for drinking, wine was her choice, and she drank it to celebrate, to commiserate because she had a great day, a rubbish day, because it was Tuesday or Friday and so the list went on. Lou’s life was an emotional roller-coaster of some lows, some very lows and the odd high which was almost always short-lived – largely because her self-worth was so horrendous, she sabotaged anything good because she didn’t believe she deserved it. And then something changed, she decided enough was enough. She rediscovered her passion for running, went Vegan and dropped 6 dress sizes and writes a blog about her journey. Her goal was to feel healthier mentally and physically, and 3 years since making that decision she is now studying at university and training for her first-ever ultra. She drank to make herself happy, but it only ever made her anxious and sad. When she stopped drinking, she started living and this is her journey. No matter how hard it gets there is always light at the end of the tunnel if you are able to look up. These are words Louise would remind herself of often. On this podcast Louise is candid about her traumatic childhood with an abusive father and the impact that had on her adult life. We discuss how Louise went from relying on alcohol and sugar to cope to becoming a vegan and runner. There are probably so many of us that can relate to Louise and her story. She is on a mission to share her story in the hopes that other people will be inspired to make positive changes.
IG- @mysugarevolution