September will start the new monthly theme, which is MINDFULNESS! I'm starting this theme out by interviewing Jessica Vasa, who not only is one of my great friends but also has lots of experience and passion training people compassion and mindfulness strategies.
Be Ultra Podcast will have Jessica on as a regular guest to provide a different perspective and new skills we can all implement to Be Ultra!
Follow Jessica on Instagram @jessicavasa_
She also has a great blog focused on "kindness, purpose and people" at
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Face Book at Be Ultra Living
Wake up every morning being intentional with everything you do! Have a plan and execute!
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Be You, Be Brave, Be Fierce, Be Ultra
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Don't forget to stop and enjoy the play!!
"Play isn't something separate from the daily grind of life. It is not something to finally get to when work ends. Rather, play like music, is a force that we feel in our bones and that whispers in our hearts. As kids demonstrate play is not over there, but forever here and now."
-Vince Gowmon
"It's okay to be absurd, ridiculous and downright irrational at times, silliness is the sweet syrup that helps us swallow the bitter pills of life." - Richelle E. Goodrich
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Quick tips for eating the things that are good for your mind and body!
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Check out these foodies on Instagram
Howard Thurman- "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Use this week to assess your life and ask yourself what you need to feel more alive!! Build a good foundation of good health to help you focus on your passion.
Today I discuss ways to intentionally slow down and create a calming morning routine. Our world is so fast paced that we need to focus on ways to enjoy our mornings without rushing around and creating a hectic atmosphere.
School is starting!! For all of you that are going to school, teaching at school and who have children at school I hope you have a wonderful and fulfilled year!!!
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Please submit any ideas or subjects you would like to hear about on upcoming podcasts to
Take a good hard look at the things sucking your energy and make sure to manage them appropriately!!
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Another repeat episode...I'm currently working on new content and ideas and will be playing repeat episodes for the next couple weeks.
Balance something we are always trying to achieve!! Just keep focused on prioritizing what is important to you and balance will be a constant work in progress.
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Face the fear and do it anyway!!
This is a repeat of my first podcast...I hope you enjoy!!
Stars in the Sky- A Hunting Story by Steven Rinella
MeatEater- Netflix Official Site
The MeatEater Podcast
Expand your outdoor knowledge and allow your experiences and the experiences of others to help you grow.
Don't let technology, routine and distractions keep you away from true connections in your life!!
Mental and functional tips for running in the heat...get out there and embrace the sweat!!!
SELF CARE!!!! It's important...make sure to focus on your self care daily so that you can be your best!
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Take a good hard look at the time your spending outdoors and then figure out how you can spend even more time outside.
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Be the man/woman in the arena and live life daring greatly!!
Brene Brown-
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead
Theodore Roosevelt- The Man in the Arena
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Today I'm introducing Nicole Christensen, who is the owner of the CrossFit Roots gym in Boulder, Colorado. She stepped away from a government job in 2008 to start her own crossfit gym and has been changing lives ever since. Listen and be inspired!
Follow Nicole on Instagram @nicchristensen or check out her website at
Today's podcast is inspired by Jenn Thompson @agazelle74 on Instagam. She is an amazing woman who has been through the trauma of rattlesnake bites and a brain tumor that left her visually impaired. Follow her story to feel the real connection of human struggle and empowerment.
I also wanted to introduce the "What If" mentality that David Goggins provides in his motivational speaking. Follow him on Instagram @davidgoggins or buy his book, Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy The Odds. Watch his introduction to the "What If" mentality on
Visit my website at or Be Ultra Living on Facebook for information on local women's courses and gatherings!
Today's focus is to sit back, relax and enjoy the life around you!!
Check out my women's outdoor courses on
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Are you a YES person? Listen in to get strategies on how to set limits and boundaries so that your YES mentality doesn't burn you out!!
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Like my page on Facebook at Be Ultra Living to keep up with the women's adventures I will be hosting!
Basic principles for food prepping include:
1- Focus on keeping our meals balanced
2- Research recipes and plan meals for the week, then go to the grocery store to get all ingredients
3- Cook and pack your meals
4- Label and freeze
5- Defrost your meal by putting it in the fridge until your ready to heat and eat.
Check out Instagram for tons of prepping ideas and recipes
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Think about those times when you thought you couldn't take one more step forward because you were so exhausted...but then you did...Or that time when you were convinced that you were going to implode and pull your hair out...but then you figured out how to manage without making a big mess. Every situation that you overcome in your life builds endurance. Lets create situations to increase our endurance and become better, stronger, more hardy humans!!
Resources and Links
-Lauren Jones with Lifes2ShortFitness @lifes2shortfitness on Instagram and
-127 Hours 2010 film about canyoneering and adventurer Aron Ralston
-Between a Rock and a Hard Place book by Aron Ralston
-Aranda @arandamusic on Instagram or Aranda on Facebook
-Check out my website at for information about upcoming courses or follow me on Instagram
The show Departures by Scott Wilson, Justin Lukach and Andre Dupuis is the inspiration for todays talk. I discuss Season 1 Episodes 9 and 10 and the extreme living that these guys show us. Yes, there is a little discussion of how Scott and Justin represent the Super Ego and the Id, as Freud defines it. We should all make sure we are living with a little Id and extremeness to our life to get the blood pumping and the adrenaline flowing.
Watch Departures on YouTube
Scott Wilson- @scott_departures on Instagram
Justin Lukach- @mrjustinlukach on Instagram
Andre Dupuis- @andre_dupuis on Instagram
Check out for information on courses I will be offering to increase exploration for women in my community.
Tips for personal development:
1- Keep moving forward
2- View challenges as opportunities to grow
3-Make sure you are choosing goals that YOU want for YOU
4-Get rid of bad habits
5- Replace bad habits with good habits that will support your goals
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Be Ultra Living will be offering a Women's Beginner Trail Running course in Central Oklahoma in July!!!!! Check out for all the details as well as the link to sign up!
Today's podcast was inspired by the article, Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation: What's the Difference? By Kendra Cherry